AR/VR Safety Training

Welcome to Reality Training Solutions, the leading experts in virtual & augmented reality training. At the forefront of immersive learning experiences, we pride ourselves on our advanced team of over 100 dedicated professionals, including skilled developers, innovative storyboard artists, and talented audio-video effects specialists. Our team collaborates to create training solutions that are not just educational but also engaging and impactful. We offer a diverse range of off-the-shelf training modules, each meticulously designed to meet various industry standards and learning objectives. Moreover, understanding that each organization has unique needs, we excel in custom-developing training programs tailored precisely to your specific requirements.

We are pioneers in transforming the landscape of professional training through cutting-edge virtual and augmented reality technologies.

  • Improve Recall

    9 out of 10 participants reported that they were more likely to remember proper procedure when trained in VR & AR compared to previous training methods.

  • Learning Style

    93% of participants reported that VR & AR learning was more conducive to their specific learning style (e.g., visual learner, auditory learner, kinesthetic/hands-on learner)

  • Preparedness

    77% of participants reported that they felt more prepared for a situation after completing the simulation than they felt before.



An advanced VR headset from Oculus displayed in a high-tech gaming setup, showcasing state-of-the-art virtual reality technology.
A sleek Pico VR headset positioned in a modern, interactive virtual reality experience setup, representing cutting-edge VR technology.
A computer screen with Unity game engine's interface open, highlighting a 3D VR/AR development project, emphasizing Unity's capabilities in immersive technology creation.
A developer working on a detailed VR/AR scene using Unreal Engine, showcasing the engine's powerful rendering and interactive design features.


  • Our training courses are incredibly versatile, covering a wide range of industries including healthcare, technology, construction, retail, and many more. We specialize in customizing our courses to meet the specific needs and challenges of your industry.

  • Absolutely! Customization is at the heart of what we do. We work closely with you to understand your unique requirements and develop a training program that aligns perfectly with your goals and the specific skill sets needed in your organization.

  • The duration of our training courses varies depending on the complexity and depth of the material. We offer everything from short workshops to comprehensive training programs. We can also adjust the length of the course to fit your schedule and learning objectives.

  • Our courses stand out due to their high level of interactivity, use of cutting-edge technology like AR and VR, and our commitment to customizing content. Our expert team ensures that every course is not only informative but also engaging and tailored to provide practical, hands-on learning experiences.